The first hit in the Calgary Stampeders’ August 9 matchup with the CFL's West Division leading Saskatchewan Roughriders took place away from McMahon Stadium and before either team had a chance to lace up their cleats.

An uncredited posting on the official Calgary Stampeders website, dated August 7, listed the top ten reasons Stamps fans find Rider fans annoying.

According to Stampeders' President Gordon Norrie, the list was compiled by members of the team's marketing department and was meant to be good natured ribbing of one side in this special rivalry.

Norrie admits a few people have taken exception to the list and he has dealt with each complaint personally.

The following is the Top Ten list in its entirety:

Every Stampeder fan knows that when the Riders come to town, they are in for a night of one of the most intense rivalries in the CFL.

Friday night, as the Stampeders take on the Roughriders at McMahon Stadium in the Wild West Showdown, Stamps fans will be prepared to do whatever it takes to cheer on the Red & White in our house.

In fact, Stamps fans are already on their A-game and have voiced their opinion on what makes Rider fans so annoying. These are the top 10 reasons they came up with:

#10 – Whiners

It seems as though every time the Riders are in the wrong and take a penalty, it’s the referee’s fault for making an outrageous call. 

#9 – Watermelon prices

When the Riders come to town, the cost of watermelons increases in our grocery stores. Watermelons are for eating, not wearing!

#8 – Green = ugly

Green is a terrible colour for a football team. It’s also annoying that they leave green face paint on everything; door handles, bathroom faucets and all over the stands.

#7 – Poor tailgating etiquette

When the Riders come to town, their green John Deere combines take up two spots in the Stampeder tailgating parking lots. It’s really painful to watch them parallel park.

#6 – It’s a football game, not a drinking contest

The Calgary Stampeder Football Club has to hire more security and police when Saskatchewan is in town because Rider fans have proven they do not know their own limits when it comes to alcohol. This is reiterated again in point number one: everyone knows the Riders have a hard time counting.

#5 – Jersey fouls

They wear Rider jerseys to games when the Roughriders aren't even playing, including hockey games. Their fans are like those annoying grasshoppers in Saskatchewan, there are TONS of them and they are EVERYWHERE.

#4 – Their leader is a giant gopher

It’s common knowledge that gophers ruin crops, so it’s quite ironic that the Riders chose a gopher to represent their province’s football team. What do most people do with gophers? Run them over.

#3 – Why are you here?

They shamelessly promote the province they all moved away from. If you love Saskatchewan so much, why do so many of you live in Calgary and why did so many of you leave?

#2 – Like nails on a chalkboard

Rider fans love to hear themselves talk. They have a complete lack of situational awareness. If we wanted to watch trained seals clap and yelp loudly, we would make a trip to Marine Land!

#1 – Terrible at counting

They are more interested in showing everyone they are from Saskatchewan than what is actually happening on the field. Rather than compliment a great play by an opposing player, they’ll say it was "lucky" or a "fluke.” Not to mention, their team can’t count to 12.

Go home Riders.